About Us

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What Kind of Church are We?

Holy Cross is a Church of England church offering both traditional and contemporary worship. We value the tradition which is part of our heritage in this country and we embrace some of the fresh expressions current in the Church.

Whether we are using the beauty and dignity of the language of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer or singing modern worship songs to the accompaniment of drums and guitars, it is the same Gospel we are preaching.

We are passionate about holding to the Church of England's tradition of Word and Sacrament and each will be given their full worth, neither having precedence over the other. We aim to make all worship accessible and relevant to the targeted congregations.

We are a Eucharistic Church

Baptism symbolThis means that we focus on the service Jesus instituted at the Last Supper, when he took bread, blessed, broke and gave it to his disciples, when he took wine, blessed and shared it with them. He commanded us to, 'Do this in remembrance of me'. We do just that, everyday, when possible, and always on Sunday and major feasts and festivals. This service is called the Eucharist.

In the Church of England, those who have been Confirmed, are entitled to receive the bread and wine. Those not Confirmed are invited to come forward for a blessing.

We are a Church which teaches and preaches the Gospel. As we break the Bread so also we break open the Word.

Preaching and teaching are given a high priority at Holy Cross. There is a Homily, Sermon or Talk at every service. We attempt to relate the Word of God to our lives and interpret the Scriptures in the power of the Holy Spirit. We try not to 'Bible Bash', misuse or abuse the Bible, but to honestly and openly struggle with it and let it speak to us. Sometimes our talks are interactive, giving others a chance to question and share insights.

We are an Inclusive Church

We are an inclusive Church, welcoming all people regardless of age, gender, sexuality, social background, ethnicity, marital status, economic status, ability or disability. We are all made in the image and likeness of God and we are all called to look for the God in each other. We are not called to judge but to love and to love as God loves us. If you have any doubts about this look at the people Jesus mixed with, he rejected no one.

YOU will be welcome here!

We are a Church of Outreach

In our Mission Statement we have committed ourselves to be disciples of Christ building Community through hospitality, ecumenism and social events. Our community hall is used by a wide variety of community focused groups and we enjoy hosting fun social events for all the community.

Church History

Over the last 120 years the population in North Bersted has steadily increased, the largest jump being over the past thirty years when the population has risen from 1,000 to nearly 9,000 today. It will increase by a further 650 when the new development is complete. In line with this expansion in population the Church of Holy Cross has likewise expanded.

In 1880 the thatched Cross Cottage, formally a Blacksmiths, was licensed by the Bishop for Divine Service. In 1894 a Mission Hall was built (the present Nave). This Mission was the daughter Church of South Bersted and was served by a Curate from that Church. A Chancel was added in 1930 and enlarged further in 1973. In 1983 Holy Cross ceased to be a daughter church to South Bersted and became a Conventional District. In 2001 Holy Cross, North Bersted became a Parish in its own right, with its own Priest in Charge.

Mission Statement

‘Keeping the rumour of God alive in North Bersted.’

Our Aim is:
To be open to all & open to God

To be open to all by being:

To be open to God by:

‘The Church[...] exists for those who are not [yet] its members.’
Archbishop William Temple

Our Mission aims will be delivered through:

© 2010-2024 Holy Cross North Bersted